Blogtember: 12 September

12 September 2013|

12 September
Discuss ways that blogging or social media has
changed you.


Blogging and social media have changed me in so many different ways – some for the better and some for the worse (which I am currently working on!)
My creative juices are flowing. Blogging has allowed me to sit down and write, express myself and my own creativity in so many different ways. I now take pictures, I try my hand at design, I dig deep to answer questions and find content true to myself and slightly entertaining for others. It is a special release for me, my own way to escape.
I have made so many new friends. The blogging community is awesome, and I have been so blessed in ‘meeting’ new people from across the world. It has opened my mind to different countries, cultures and ways of life. I have started to form bonds with the most amazing girls and I can chat to them about anything and everything.
I can keep in touch. This sounds a little superficial but with the fast pace lives that we all lead today, social media has allowed us to keep in touch with friends and family all over the world – with just a click of a button. I send messages quickly and for free. I can upload pictures and share experiences with people who couldn’t be there. I can also find long lost friends from school or university.
I am a target. This is the first of the bad things that have changed. My life is online for all to see. I am careful with my privacy settings on social media but my blog is public (if you know the address) and I am a soft target. There are jealous gremlins out there who would love to question and criticise the way I choose to live my life and the things I choose to blog about. I have learnt to be thick skinned and to be careful.
I have lost time. The other bad change. Blogging and social media takes time. It takes precious time. My phone beeps all day and every day (thanks time changes) and as a slight OCD sufferer, I hate having any red numbers on the corners of my apps! I am working on this – I am trying to stay clear of my phone when I need to be with MC and SJ. And I planning better with scheduled posts and ideas for my blog. 
How has blogging and social media changed you?
Link up with Jenni


  1. What a great post!
    Social media has turned me into a {creative} but it has also stolen a lot of moments from me. Hubby is always telling me I am addicted (waking up in the middle of the night and the first thing I grab is my phone to check who has liked/shared/commented on something).
    The world of social media is an incredibly stimulating and exciting place to spend your time, but it can also be entirely consuming (take Pinterest for example). And as with any 'addiction' it is very hard to break 🙂
    I spend so much time online and at the end, there is very little to show.

    Just how I've been feeling over the past few days 🙂


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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