Weekend at the Farm

13 August 2013| ,

Women’s Day in South Africa means a national public holiday.
A day off for us all, and a long weekend for us to enjoy.

We were blessed to be invited away to a farm in the Midlands by special friends. With a weather forecast of single digits, we packed our bags and headed to the midlands for a special weekend in freezing weather. 
We spent evenings sipping red wine by the fire and days lazing in the sunshine, and the boys played golf, went hunting and fishing.

A lovely weekend with special company.

Del Oro Farm

Farm house 

Lyle & Lisa

Nat & Jay

MC & I

The Barritt Family

The Fotheringham Family

The girls (and Michael)

My sweet family
The girls freezing by the fire…
Snuggle bunnies


  1. Love this! I would really kill for a weekend away right now, stress is just killing me. And to have good friends to enjoy it with, like you did! Never forget your blessings 😉

  2. Oh my goodness Cals… I love Sophie's outfit! That hat 🙂 She's turning into a little mini-me of her mama! Sounds like a wonderful long weekend away, the midlands never disappoint.


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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