Day with (Great) Nana

21 August 2013|

A few weekends ago, MC, SJ and travelled down our South Coast to go and visit my sweet Nan.
Nana Zoe is my dad’s mom and she lives in a retirement village along our South Coast. Unfortunately, my Pops passed away 4 years ago so my Nan lives alone. She is almost 82 years old and she lives alone, is involved with her local church and drives around too. 
I have always been close to my paternal grandparents as they looked after me for many years when I was growing up and as their first grandchild for a few years, I was spoilt rotten. I have special memories of walking the garden and surrounding grounds with their black, fluffy dog Jessie, stories of how I would have to finish school and my degree so I could sell ice-creams for a living, many breakfasts of mince on toast and fried egg and many dinners of mince and rice with gravy, their chocolate collection of many bars and slabs of chocolate for guests to enjoy and their little quirks like sleeping with the curtains open and my Nan sitting in the back seat whilst my Pops drove her around.
My sweet Nan is getting old and time with her precious great-granddaughter means the world to her. A quick drive down the coast and we were able to spend the day with her, tea and cake at her home and a tasty fish lunch on the river. Little SJ adores her great-granny and their giggles and cuddles warmed my heart.
A few memories of our special day:
Fish on the River restaurant 
The local river 
SJ & her great-Nan

3 generations of girls

Fish and chips

Calamari and chips
MC, SJ & Nan

Special girls 
Love our Nan x


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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