Week 3: My Life 5 Years From Now

01 July 2013|

Another Monday. Another week of linking up with Becky.
Week 3: My Life 5 Years From Now
Wow, this took some serious thinking.
5 years seems like a loooooong time.
But it also doesn’t as 5 years ago seems like yesterday.
Time just flies by too quickly these days, and in no time it will be 2018…
I will always be a great follower of Jesus. I hope to grow and strengthen my faith, to read and explore the Word more and more, allow quiet times for just me and Him. I aim to attend and get involved in our local church, to allow our children to get to know our Father through the sweetest Sunday School and Kids Church. And I hope to start our own home group, for my amazing husband to lead a group of followers in our home and let me heart be filled by Him. I hope for my close friends to come to know and love Jesus too, and for us to meet and get to know many new friends through our Church.
We will still be blissfully happy and still falling more in love with each other each day. We will have a greater understanding and respect for each other, as the experience of each year will grow with us. We will be growing together, sitting in the same canoe and going in the same direction. We will be working together as parents to be role models for our children and a loving and nurturing family. We will be celebrating 8 wonderful years of marriage, planning our traditional gifts of bronze . We will still have weekly date nights – quality, alone time together and hopefully enjoying a couples holiday too. He will still make me warm and fuzzy and weak at the knees at the sight of that gorgeous face, at the sexy age of 36!
My sweet little SJ will always be my first born but hopefully no longer our only child. We hope to have one, if not two more children in the next five years – probably a baby and pregnant by then. We cannot wait to grow our little family into a family of five. We pray for healthy pregnancies, births and little angels (and secretly hoping for a son too!) I strive to be a loving and caring mom to our little SJ, as well as a guiding teacher and role model to our little princess as she becomes a little girl. She will be close to starting school then, and losing teeth. I look forward to watching her mature and develop and become her own little personality.
The best news about the next five years is we will definitely be in our new house! Yippee yay! After 3 years of planning and buying and designing and building and waiting, we will finally be homeowners of our first built home. We will be settled into our new home and suburb – enjoying all the perks of having things the way we wanted. Open plan living, big, wide doors that allow for morning sunshine and afternoon breezes, the smell and sound of rain and endless natural light. A swimming pool and spacious garden for our SJ and future children to enjoy and play in. A quiet forest estate in the middle of a busy suburb and the priceless view of the ocean.
I know I will have the same close group of friends and possibly a smaller extended group of friends, as I have seen that as we grow and mature, we move on from various friendships. But my close friends, those girls are for life. However, their lives would have changed too – some married, some will be new moms or second time moms, some may live closer but hopefully not further. I am sure our book club will still be going strong – my monthly dose of catch ups, gossip, entertainment and laughs. I hope to still enjoy nights out, cocktails, movie dates and weekends away with these gorgeous girls. As well as host many different get-togethers at our house and welcome special friends into our home with their husbands and families.
I hope to be stronger and wiser, older but more gracious, caring and nurturing, loving and open, strict but reasonable, organised and routined, hard working and reliable, trustworthy and friendly, fun and outgoing, happy and blessed, thankful and grateful. And still rocking it at the age of 33!!
Full-time mom in every sense of the words. I am mother, and I am a teacher, and with three little kiddies – I am hoping to still be lucky enough to be at home with my precious babes. Being a stay-at-home-mom is no easy task and by no means, an easy job. But it is my favourite job and I am hoping that I will still love every minute of the chaos, the sleep deprivation and the mess! I have always and will always follow a strict routine to keep myself, my children and my house in an organised manner that suits us all. As a teacher, I feel that I can teach my children so much and help them in so many ways at home, as well as guide them through school life. I am one of those weird moms who loves to drive around lifting, making lunches and drawing flash cards. 
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?


  1. I love your vision for five years from now.
    Gosh, so many kids! You are so brave but I am certain you two will be amazing parents.
    May you look back at this post in 5 years time and be amazed by how it all happened

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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