1st birthday – Decor

26 July 2013|

After much planning, purchasing, designing, printing, packing, backing, cooking and DIY’ing – our little SJ’s 1st birthday party was upon us…
And it was a huge success!

MC and I, our darling Gogo and sweet family and friends spent the morning setting up for this fun-filled party. I will be sharing all the photographs over the next few posts.

As you now know, we chose a colourful balloon theme as 1 year old, little tots love all the different colours and balloons are a favourite too. It was a lot of fun putting together! 
We had the party at a local community centre that had the perfect area to set up an adults food table and a kiddies tent. There was also plenty of grass for them to crawl around. We put up a few kiddies pools filled with water, sand and balls for them to play in too. 

(All photography by Heather Fitchet)

Our party venue – Mount Edgecombe Community Centre (and perfect weather!)
Theme of the day: colourful balloons

12 month bunting – photography by Vanilla Photography
Colourful straws

Adult party favors 

Kiddies party favours 

Inside the favor bags
Thumb print fun
Canvas thumb prints

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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