Newlywed Game

07 June 2013|

I am quite sad to say that this is the very last Newlywed Game in this link up, but I’m glad that we made it… We have had such fun answering these questions as a married couple. Thank you and linking up for the last time with Veronica and Karla.

1. What would your spouse be happy doing for hours on end?

Sitting in the bush, watching the animals roam around and the sun set.
Sun tanning and reading a good book.

2. If you had the money, what would you buy for your spouse today?

A game farm in the bush.
Range Rover.

3. What show is your spouse currently loving on tv?

Depends on the season but PLL, Greys Anatomy, Revenge and lately Elementary.

4. What is your spouse’s favorite (all time or currently) Youtube video? Share it with us!

He loves the little baby laughing at the tearing paper and the epic footage of a buck running into a cyclist during the Cape Epic race.

Either the little girl rapping Nicky Minaj or the father daughter combo song…mainly because of how cute the little girl is when she yawns halfway through..

5. Do you and your spouse plan on doing gifts for anniversaries based on traditions? Like the paper for one year etc.

Yes, we love it. And he is so clever and thoughtful with his gifts.
Absolutely, I would say the first couple of years have been a great success.

6. How many kids does your spouse want? And if you could only have boys or girls which would your spouse prefer?

He wants 3, and now that we have our little princess, he would be happy with 3 girls.
3 – too late we already have a girl so it would have to be 3 of them. We are not fussed on what sex our children are, as long as they are healthy and well mannered.

7. Would your spouse want to live in the city, country or beach?

Country or bush.

8. What is a book you and your spouse have read together that you would recommend to other couples?

The Five Love Languages, and currently reading Night Lights.
We have only just started reading a Christian book, Night Lights which focusses on the word and our marriage. Hoping to do more of it as it helps focus us.

9. What is your favorite engagement picture? Wedding picture?

I have two favourites – one of us during our speeches that captures a special moment filled with emotion and then a fun one of us on the dance floor!

My favourite wedding picture has to be Cals under the waterfall holding the veil to one side… stunning!!

10. What is one piece of advice you would give to those dating, engaged and or newly married?

We are only 3 years in and therefore no marriage experts but at the same time, we have learnt and experienced so much together in such a short time. Marriage is bliss and magical, it is all you have dreamed of, and more. But it is also hard work and you have to keep working at it, all the time. I absolutely love being married and each day gets better and better. There are good times and bad times but together, as a team, you can do and conquer anything. Have fun and enjoy the moment but don’t ever forget to put in the effort and don’t take anything for granted.

This is a tough one as each individual and ultimately couple is completely different. Marriage for me is the best investment i have ever made, I am sad I did’nt do it earlier with Cals. My best advice would have to be not to be negative about your wife and the fact that you are married, tied down etc. It is completely the opposite. With open communication and respect for each others boundaries, likes and dislikes your marriage will improve your quality of life beyond what you could have ever thought possible.

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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