Friday Letters…

28 June 2013|

Dear Jesus… I love you my Father, our Lord Jesus, our King. Thank you for loving me, always. Thank for blessing our family and for keeping Your Hand over us at all times.

Dear MC…  I am the happiest wife alive that you are home for a while. This travelling is tough on all of us but it is so worth it, so worth the privileged life we are able to live. Thank you for all your hard work and effort.

Dear SJ… My little angel, every day and week you make me smile more than the last. I didn’t think it was possible. I am grateful for your recent affection – your love and cuddles, the way you kiss us and draw near to us. Sweet baby touches.

Dear Dax & Kez… Your wedding day is finally here, 10 years later!! We are so excited to witness and celebrate this special day with you. We wish you a lifetime of love and happiness, and marital bliss.

Dear Wedding Season… One more and we are done for a while! It’s taking a serious toll on my tiredness, my liver and our bank account!

Dear Hair Stylists… Why do you all leave me? Currently looking for stylist #4 in the past year!! Why??

Link up with Ashley and have a happy weekend


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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