Friday Letters…

07 June 2013|

Dear Jesus… What and where would I be without you??

Dear MC… Our new adventure starts now. We close this last chapter with bittersweet emotions but so many special moments and memories. I am excited to embark on this new journey with you, together.
Dear SJ… My sweet baby girl, your mama just wants to kiss and cuddle you and be with you every waking moment. It has been so hard being away from you this week and seeing your arm in so much pain. 
Dear Sienna House… We say goodbye and farewell to you today. Thank you for the special memories – our first date encounter, crazy digs house parties, our first marital home as newlyweds, and the special place we brought our first newborn home to. A sad day to leave behind a special time of our lives but such exciting times ahead. 
Dear Moving… I hate you. The end.
Dear Bookclub Girls… Thank you for our monthly dates. You girls are super special and I am eternally grateful for our monthly catch ups, yummy dinners, few books, hysterical laughs and sad or stressful tears. 
Don’t forget to link up and happy Friday!! 


  1. eventhough i've moved houses over 20 times in my life, it's still hard for me to say goodbye to each one. i believe home is where your family is but the house is still the place those memories are made. good luck with the move!! lots of new memories to come!

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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