Friday Letters…

31 May 2013|

Dear Jesus… Where have I been this week? A bit lost and a bit confused, and I may have strayed. Thank you for always being there for me, and for always holding my hand to find my way back to you. Thank you for teaching our little SJ to say Amen too. 

Dear MC… Oh golly, I love OUR story! Thank you for being my person, and for understanding me and loving me for who I am. You are my biggest fan and this gets me through each day. We can conquer anything as long as we are together in the same boat. 

Dear SJ… Walk baby, walk! You are trying so hard and you are nearly there. Not long now sweet girl. And please get better – you are so strong and such a little angel, we hate seeing you a little miserable poor tot. 

Dear Week… I am so glad you are behind me. It was horrible. Bleh!

Dear Em Always thinking of you sweet girl. It has been a rough few weeks for you. Sending you big hugs and smiles to wipe the tears from your eyes,

Dear House… You have a roof, yay! Things are going to start showing soon – plaster, paint, doors, windows, floors, lights… So exciting!

Dear Packing… You suck. The end.

Dear 2 week diet… I am happy to see the end of you. I have realised once again why we are never and cam never be friends.

Dear Body Fat… Best you keep dropping!

Dear Nats… Tomorrow you walk down your aisle and become Mrs Swart. Enjoy every moment of your special day – it is magical. 

Happy Weekend! Link up with Ashley

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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