There are three very special people that I miss every single day.
Out of 4 dear grandparents, I have sadly lost three of them.
And I miss them.
Papa Dave – Maternal Grandfather
This kind and caring man was a tall, slim, good looking man. He was always very tanned (thanks to many days in the sun, on a bowling green) and a head of Bryl-creamed white hair. He was an athletic and talented sports man whose name graces many a trophy board at his Country Club. He was always stern and strict but also so soft and loving. I had the utmost respect for him. He took me on errands, walk through the gardens and he shared his favourite chocolate with me. I spent many a Friday night at his bay window with him, watching the lights and sounds of the city below – sounds from a concert close by or pretty fireworks after shows. I learnt a lot from my Pops, and it saddens me that he didn’t get the chance to meet my handsome husband and sweet angel child, but I know he is always watching down on us.
Nana Dot – Maternal Grandmother
This tiny and precious lady was my other mom. We spent hours together – started off as Friday night babysitting and then became every day after school. She sat and did my homework with me, took me shopping, helped me knit and watched all my favourite TV programs with me. She was so talented in the kitchen and cooked and baked so much for me – pink viennas, egg and bacon toasted sandwiches, mac and cheese and my daily ritual of cheese and gherkin sarmie. Later in life, the roles reversed and I looked after her – I drove her around, I made her meals and shakes, I took her to the hospital and I did her shopping. I spent hours helping around her house and repeating myself. We laughed together, always. I just know the love she would have and feel for the man and baby girl in my life but unfortunately, she passed away 5 short months before I met MC.
PomPom Tred – Paternal Grandfather
My special war hero. The precious Papa who became PomPom to my special cousins. This sweet and dear man had the biggest heart – he never left my gran’s side. He was an amazing husband who cooked and cleaned and did the gardening and drove (whilst she sat in the back seat) and only loved and cared for those around him. I never saw him get angry or shout. He drove miles and miles across South Africa in his little Tazz, to visit special friends and family, and show my Nan our beautiful country. He spent hours opening and peeling litchis for me, he let me walk miles and mow the lawn with him, he spoilt me with chocolates and mining stories. He always joked that I had to finish school and my studies so I could go sell ice-creams. He adored birds and he knew them all, by sight and sound. He adopted so many and fed and cared for them all. He made all the time in the world for my MC, and they got along so well.
The most special and saddest part about my dear Pom Pom is that he took his last breath in my arms. I couldn’t be more grateful to be there, to hold his hand and say goodbye.
Not a day goes by that I don’t think about these special people in my life. I was so blessed to have them as such an important part of my life and I was spoilt rotten (as the first grandchild for both of them!)
I love and miss you sweet angels
Link up with Jenni
They sound like remarkable people, and amazing grandparents. I know they're looking down on your little family and smiling. 🙂