Newlywed Game

05 April 2013|

I am back from my little blogging break and back to my awesome link ups, this week with Karla and Veronica.

1.  What are three things you love about your spouse?
His loving and caring nature, his sense of humour and his sexy smile.
Her smile, her beautiful blue eyes, sexy body, cute fingers and toes, her caring and giving nature, her laugh/giggle (especially when I’m tickling her), her confidence, maturity and knowledge of what she wants….you cant ask me for just 3!!!

2.  What are two things you love about your relationship with your spouse?
We are the very best of friends so things come easily and we have fun and I get to kiss him whenever I want!

How comfortable we are in each others company (nothing is ever strained), our respect and love for one another.

3.  What is your favorite tv show to watch with your spouse?

4.  When did your spouse know, you were the one?
After about 2 months of dating, and he had fallen in love.
The night she met me…

5.  What is your favorite dating memory with your spouse?
Our first kiss – it had been after 3 months of a virtual, long distance way of getting to know each other and the start of our forever.

Our first date – felt like we had been together for years. So comfortable but exciting at the same time… I fell in love that night!

6.  What is your spouse’s go to saying when he/she gets frustrated?
Oh my satchel!!


7.  What is something your spouse loves to hear you say?
“I love you and I want to kiss you”

“Yes you can buy that”

8.  Wedding vows: Who chose them or wrote them and what was your favorite part of them?
We said traditional wedding vows to each other at the altar but we wrote our own personal vows to each other and exchanged them at the altar. We woke up the next morning and read them on our own.
We both wrote our own vows – the best part was that we didn’t give each other guidelines and they turned out very similar. This shows that we want the same thing from our marriage.

9.  What is something you convinced your spouse to change after you got married? (Think like, a habit or choice of products, etc)
He definitely uses better hair products now because he uses mine! I introduced his facial cleansing routine too. I also buy all his clothes because he hates shopping so maybe his style has changed too…

Haven’t ever got her to change ANYTHING! She is VERY strong willed… but I also love this about her.

10.  What does your spouse have going to the championships on his/her basketball bracket and why?
We don’t have basketball in South Africa. But he is a Chicago Bulls and Derek Rose fan.
No basketball in SA but LeBron James is her favourite.

Haha, I love this man! He often knows me better than I know myself… And our favourite things to hear are true examples of our love languages!!


  1. Ohhhh I love so many things about your answers but my favorite is your hubbys answer to the very first question! Sounds like you have a keeper!! So sweet! Thanks for linking up!! 🙂

  2. Oh my goodness, yall just made me smile so much with number 1, how sweet!
    ah I'm working on the face cleaning…it's not going well lol
    love love love reading yalls answers…they're all so sweet and it's precious to see how well yall love and know each other!

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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