Week in Pictures

12 March 2013|

 1. Self portrait for my traveling hubs
2. SJ spoilings from daddy’s trip to Canada
3. Mommy got spoilt too
4. Can’t believe it was my baby shower a whole year ago already!!

 5. Beautiful garden accessories at Sage
6. Loving this decor and color
7. Pretty packages from the lovely ladies at 
8. 1st birthday invitations ready to go…

9. I HATE traffic, especially Friday afternoon peak hour
10. The Mount Edgecombe visitors
11. My birthday orchid starting to bloom again 7 months later
12. House progress

13. SJ loving her Adidas sneakers from Uncle B & Juds
14. Sweet baby Zoey and her proud daddy
15. Cuddles with little baby Blake at just 6 days old
16. SJ loving her lunch date with Chad

Have a super duper week


  1. Your little girl is adorable! It's so sad how fast they grow. I have a nine month old and it breaks my heart that it's even possible for him to be that old already. I'm a new follower to your blog.

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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