Friday Letters…

01 February 2013|

Dear Lord… Thank you for the miracle of so many little lives this week. Each and every one your prefect creation, and each on their own unique self. What a blessing to us all.

Dear MC… Thank you for being such an amazing husband this week. You have gone out of your way to be the man that you really want to be, the husband that I adore and I am so proud of and a doting dad. You are the rock of our family and we are eternally grateful.

Dear SJ… Where has my baby gone? i cannot believe how time has flown, even just day by day. You change each day into a little toddler and girl with your very one personality. You aren’t a little baby anymore. I hope we can be good role models and loving parents to you, now and forever.

Dear Rocco David Armour… Welcome to the world sweet baby boy. You are a little miracle in a family of girls and your parents cannot be more proud.

Dear Megan & Emory… Congratulations sweet mama Megan and welcome to the world precious baby Emory. What a blogging journey it has been for us to follow your pregnancy and birth. She has finally arrived… Follow Megan and her new venture into mama hood here.

Dear Body… Suck it up please. It is not possible for one person to be so tired. Especially when i have no excuse – I am not sick. I am not pregnant. I am not old. And I don’t work full time. Seriously?

Dear School Reunion… 10 years!! Really? Has it been that long? Or does it feel like it was yesterday? Either way, please come together well and don’t be lame. Please also allow all bitchy comments to stay home. This is to remember and enjoy good times ONLY.

Have a FABULOUS weekend folks


  1. I hope you wake up a little bit, sweet friend!! Being tired is the worst- especially when there's really no reason to be.
    And congratulations on all of the precious babies coming into your life! What amazing blessings 🙂 I love the name Rocco!!

  2. Feeling fatigued? You may be lacking vitamins and minerals! You might want to get that checked! Hope all is well! Nice to see people who are still greatful for the real things in life and take the time to thank and appreciate them. 🙂

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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