Couple Q&A

28 February 2013|

My beloved MC is a very private person and as a male, doesn’t quite get the whole idea of blogging – although he reads my blog daily…
I read this cute couple Q&A on Caroline’s blog Simply Smithwick, and decided to test MC on a few questions and post about him (without him even realizing!)
A moment captured by Bron

1. How long have you been married?
C: 2,5 years
M: 2,5 years
2. Where was your first date?
C: Dinner date at Splashes 
M: Splashes
3. Where was your first kiss?
C: In his car in the parking lot outside Casablanca
M: In the car park opposite Bonkers (Bonkers became Casablanca)
4. Who first said, “I love you”?
C: Hmmm, I think he did…
M: Definitely YOU!
5. What were your wedding colors?
C: Dusty pink and champagne
M: Champagne and pink
6. What is her most commonly used phrase?
C: N-O!
M: N-O!
7. Who is her celebrity crush?
C: David Beckham
M: Brad Pitt & David Beckham
8. If she was ordering drinks for both of you what would you each get?
C: Vodka, passion fruit and water for me and a light beer for him
M: Vodka, passion fruit and water for you and Castle Lite for me
9. What is the best meal she has ever cooked you?
C: Spaghetti bolognaise
M: So many… All the meals you have cooked for me
10. What is the worst meal she has ever cooked you?
C: Burnt banana bread
M: Any meal too, haha! You have never cooked a bad meal
11. What is the most-played song on her iPod?
C: A Million Voices
M: A Million Voices

12. What would she say is your most annoying habit?
C: Not turning off the lights! 
M: Going into my nothing box
13. What is the last thing she does before she goes to bed?
C: Remove contact lenses
M: Take your contact lenses out
14. What would you say is your favorite thing about her?
C: Kindness and my smile
M: Your giving nature and your smile
15. What’s her go-to drink at Starbucks?
C: Tea or iced mango juice
M: Hot chocolate or chococino
16. What’s her blog’s name?
C: Ellie Love
M: Elie Love
I am super impressed, he knows me a lot better than I thought!
We don’t have s Starbucks in South Africa so he can be forgiven…


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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