This is an urgent plea for some serious IT help…
I run my blog on Blogger and when I try manage the blogs I follow, I get this error:
I am unable to delete old blogs, blogs that don’t exist anymore or blogs that aren’t of interest and it won’t let me. And it says I have reached my maximum following of 500 blogs so I cannot follow any new blogs either!!!
I have contacted the Google Support team and the chat room and have had no such luck.
Can anyone help?!
This is such an issue – so sorry that it is happening! I deleted and edited my about three times and the changes didn't take. Only in the last while has it worked. I will be sure to keep an eye out for updates! x
I have been wanting to unsubscribe from blogs, too.
Last night, I was doing a bit of work and found that this worked for me [more complicated than in time's past]:
–log on to blog you want to unsubscribe from
–click on "join this site"
–sign in [have to do it with each blog — ugh — even though you're already signed in]
–then, on the blog by the GFC box, you will see your little profile pic with "options" underneath — click that
–then, click on site settings
–then, click on "stop following this blog"
Complicated + ridiculous. I've gradually been switching all my GFC subscriptions to normal subscriptions through Google Reader. It's too big of a hassle to deal with GFC!!
I've been reading your blog for several months. I got engaged a few days before Christmas to a wonderful SA who lives in Zambia. I can't wait to move to Africa…and hope to visit SA some day.