Dear Lord… I know it’s a new year. And a resolution. But it’s been a good week for us. I love and adore you and we have been two halves of a whole. Thank you for lighting this flame again. I will keep it burning…
Dear MC… First date night of the year and I absolutely loved it! What a special night – just the two of us chatting away. I fall more and more in love with you each day.
Dear SJ… 9 months? Already? Time is flying baby girl and you are not our a baby anymore, you are now a little girl. I can’t believe it. I am trying so hard to take in and savor every moment.
Dear Bookclub girls… What would I do without you all? I treasure our monthly catch ups. You are a great bunch of sassy and dynamic girls.
Dear Teaching… I love being home with my little SJ but boy, the strings of my heart are tugged at the beginning of a new year. A little sad and emo that I don’t have a classroom to decorate and a bunch of sweet faces to teach but the time will come…
Dear Kettlebells… Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! You seriously kicked my ass this week! But it’s good to be back.
Dear Bangkok… 3 sleeps and counting! Eeeeeeeeeek!!
Happy Weekend Folks