Facts About Me

23 January 2013|

Today, I’m linking up with Whitney from I Wore Yoga Pants To Work.
She is hilarious – doesn’t her blog name say enough?
She is witty and always a great read.
So a few facts about me…
1. I like to receive, but I LOVE to give.
One of my love languages is Gifts, this is no secret to those close to me (sorry hubs!) but as great as it is to receive these gifts, I just love giving. I love filling up other peoples love tanks with Gifts – too bad if this isn’t your love language (it so often isn’t!). Everywhere I go, I am looking to buy someone something…
2. Like Whit, I also LOVE potatoes
And i agree, sweet potatoes are a very poor excuse! 
I love potatoes in every form – crispy roast potatoes with gravy, buttery mash potato, hot french fries, spicy potato wedges, simple backed potato and creamy potato bake. 
Seriously, I’m going to eat one now!
3. I have a phobia about being fat
Funny that because I am pretty chubby and overweight now (post-pregnancy joys). I have always been one of those girls that was sporty and could get away with eating rubbish. I have always been relatively slim and one of the smallest in my group of friends.
Then I fell pregnant and now I cannot lose it. Did I mention I have no will power or self control with food? Well, that would explain everything wouldn’t it? 
4. My name is was hyphenated
I was born Caley-Jade. That is the name on my birth certificate from 1985 (yes, I am 27!)
My mom wanted to call me Caley Jade but my gran wanted a traditional second name – Madelie (Huh??) so my mom zapped in the hyphen and that was that! No more second name issues.
But when I changed my ID and passport into my new married surname, our delightful Home Affairs left out the hyphen, so I am now Caley Jade.
5. I wear contact lenses
This should rather read – I am as blind as a bat! In Grade 2, the teacher asked me the time and I ignored her. Being a teachers pet, she tried a few more times before calling my parents in for me being a total brat. I was then forced to admit that I could’t see the clock… Cue thick nerdy glasses at age 8. Not cool.
As soon as the optometrist allowed, the little lenses would put in – age 14.
It is expensive and a nuisance but I can see.
6. I can only drink water if it is cold
I’m not a big water drinker. But I have been trying super hard (it is resolution month after all) and it apparently aids weight loss but it has to be ice cold from the fridge. I cannot drink warm temperature or even slightly warm water. Yuk!
7. I hate spelling and grammar errors
I am an English major and English teacher. Enough said.
Do not get it wrong, it makes me mad!
Don’t send me any form of communication that has spelling errors in it – I will not reply. And if I am forced to, I will correct you first. And never ever send me this text language rubbish – how r u? i am gr8? dat is da best? NO! NO! NO!
(I have turned down job offers because reply emails had spelling errors – it’s THAT bad!)
8. I am allergic to avocado
No, actually I’m not. It is a forced allergy. I just hate them so so much that I have now made myself believe that I am allergic. It also helps when ordering at a restaurant because unless you are allergic, they will not remove it from my food – huge problems when ordering sushi!
9. I believe in love at first sight
And I am the proof. I was in a 5 year relationship when I met MC, and the second I laid eyes on him, my head and my heart knew that:
a) He was amazing
b) I had to be with him
c) That I would marry him one day
And the rest they say is history…
10. I have been blessed with an angel child
I am not bragging. I am not super mom either. I have just been blessed by our sweet Jesus.
I didn’t have the easiest pregnancy but our little baby girl has made up for it all in her 9 months on our Earth. She really is an angel – she sleeps well, she eats well, she doesn’t cry, she hasn’t been sick (I am touching wood), she doesn’t feel pain, she is calm, she is content, she is always happy.
(Yes, I know I am going to be punished with number 2 but I am enjoying this for now!)

Why not go along and link up too?

One Comment

  1. I love all of your facts, and I feel like I know you so much better now! 🙂

    First, I just want to say that you and your family are absolutely gorgeous…and you are NOT fat. You are stunning!

    Second, I love that you an English teacher – so am I. 🙂

    Third, your name is SO pretty. I love it.

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About me

I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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