Christmas 2012

09 January 2013| ,

Christmas 2012 was a little different for us. Instead of being at home, we went on holiday to a resort in the Drakensberg mountains. 

MC and I both have small families. 
Mine is me, my mom and my stepdad.
His is parents and two sisters (who both live in the UK)
And of course, our precious little SJ.
Children is the way our family can grow…

We are very happy with our small, no-fuss, no-drama family.
We all get along really well and we are all flexible when celebrating together.

Unfortunately, this year MC’s older sister and brother-in-law couldn’t be with us as they were in Oklahoma with his family. So it was even smaller…
But a week in the mountains with lovely weather and specially family and friends was a great way to celebrate.

A few photos from our Christmas week:

My First Christmas – SJ’s morning face 
Family photo in front of the Christmas tree

Can’t wait to open my stocking

Christmas Day outfit courtesy of The African Llama

Christmas lunch with Aunty Kerry

Christmas King & Queen

Two days of present opening because there were so many…

Such a happy and blessed little girl


  1. Looks like a great holiday. We did a lot of days of gifts because it took so long to open them as well. I think my son thought it was common to wake up and open gifts…I think he was sad on that 4th day when there were no more gifts, lol.

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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