Week in Pictures

05 November 2012|

1.Bikini heaven – Roxstar’s new range, check them out here
2. Little SJ sitting so nicely now
3. Marking Maths test – spent 4 days in the classroom locum teaching
4. Date night at one of our favourites, Marco Paulo’s
5. My sweet friend Terri’s 29 week belly
6. SJ keeping warm during our weekend away
7. Happy Halloween – SJ wishing she eat all that sugar!
8. Beautiful Ju’s 34 week preggy belly
 9. Home gym – the start of my home DVD workout
10. Maths tests again… (definitely an error here!)
11. Love letters from my hubs
12. Special package from Vanilla Photography – SJ’s dedication photos
13. Sick day in bed, full of flu 🙁
14. MC making me laugh in the ER
15. Wounds from our ER trip for an allergic reaction
16. Sad to say goodbye to this view this weekend
How was your week and weekend?


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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