Special friends #3

14 November 2012|

“friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, “What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” – C.S. Lewis

This is the third of my beautiful besties. A special girl that I haven’t been friends with a long time but definitely a very good time. 

1. Shan’s birthday tea at The Oyster Box – November 2011
2. Roxette concert – June 2012
3. Girl’s Weekend Away – July 2011
4. SJ’s Dedication – October 2012
1. Girl’s Weekend Away – July 2011
2. Girl’s Weekend Away – July 2011
3. Girl’s Weekend Away – July 2011
4. Shan’s baby shower – July 2012
1. Message’s Engagement Party – November 2011
2. My birthday – August 2012
3. Roxette concert AGAIN! – June 2012
4. Book club Christmas Dinner – December 2011
12 facts about SF:

  • She is my newest bestie.
  • We became close by working together.
  • We have very similar, parallel lives – like twins!
  • She is a marketing fundi.
  • She is a new mama to sweet baby Jackson Jay.
  • She has an extreme love and addiction to shoes.
  • She is very thoughtful and generous.
  • We share a love for Coca-Cola.
  • She loves Yorkshire Terrier puppies (and had two of her own)
  • I am sad that we weren’t at each others weddings.
  • She is one of the most photogenic girls I’ve met.
  • We share a hairdresser and same hair colour.
You are a very special woman my Shanny, both inside and out. You are an incredible wife and calm, peaceful and excellent mom. I am truly blessed to have you in my life, now and forever.
Love you lots.


  1. My heart is so full of happiness right now it could explode with jelly and custard all over my laptop screen!! 🙂
    thanks my Cals! best gift ever! xxx

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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