SJ – 6 months

01 November 2012|

Month 6:

Weight: 8kgs
Height: 65.5cm
Clothing size: All 6-12 month clothing (I am not sure I understand this size though… she is going to be this same size in another 6 months?!).
Diaper size: Size 3 and 4
Feeding: 7am – cereal and prune with a bottle, 10am – bottle, 12.30am – mixed veg (butternut, carrot, potato, sweet potato, marrow and green beans) and a bottle, 3pm – bottle and 6pm = bottle. She is loving her solids.
Sleep: Still a little angel sleeper – sleeping well during the day and through the night!! We are so blessed at how our little princess loves to sleep (definitely just like her mama!)
Milestones: Sitting all on her own (don’t you love the pic?!) She is starting to roll over and controls her head very well. She is very interested in everything and follows different sounds. She transfers toys and items from one hand to another. She bears weight well on her feet when held standing – this has taking some serious effort with our little lazy bones! She chatters and babbles (and screeches) to her hearts content.
Loves: She has learnt how to splash in the bath and absolutely loves it. There is no longer a fear of water in her face or eyes! She enjoyed her first shower with daddy this month – she wasn’t sure about the gushing water… She no longer takes a dummy but prefers to self-sooth by sucking her thumb and cuddling her little taglet. Absolutely loves toys and things that make a noise. 
Dislikes: Such a happy girl! Although on our first weekend away, she wasn’t a fan of the Moroccan decor in our room. She cried at the sight of the ornate mirrors and frilly lampshades as well as the tall, dark thatched roof. 
Adventures: We spent two lovely weekends away this month, both in the beautiful Midlands. SJ loves being outdoors and lying on the grass and watching animals run around. She is fascinated by people and can spend ages just watching and observing people and their actions. We are very lucky that settles well in unfamiliar surroundings.
Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: Flexibility. Our little SJ is in a good routine and has been from the start and we are convinced that because of this routine, it doesn’t matter where she is or who she is with, she will stick to it. We have been away from home quite a bit recently and she knows she isn’t in her own home but she doesn’t make a fuss. She really is a little angel, and we are truly blessed.
*Monthly pictures taken by the beautiful and talented, Bron Fourie from Vanilla Photography


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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