Friday Letters…

23 November 2012|

Dear Lord… Thank you and I love you.

Dear MC… You were away for 11 days and now I am away for 3 days. This was not great planning or timing. I miss you my gorgeous man, a lot! You have given romance a while new meaning though, thank you.

Dear SJ… I just want to hug you and love you and squeeze you and take all your teething pain away my sweet baby girl. I am sorry you are in so much pain. Thank you for being a little angel, even through this pain. There have been some tough moments but you just want to be cuddled and cared for.

Dear SJ’s first tooth… Please just hurry up now. All of you actually.

Dear Girls Weekend Away… Am I dreaming? Are you finally here? Yay!! i cannot wait to enjoy this time with special friends, doing what what we do best – eating, drinking, dancing, socializing and having fun together.

Dear New Oven… Welcome and thank you for arriving. Please co-operate with me and my family and work to your full potential. I paid a lot of money to bring you into this family, now don’t let me down!

Dear Concrete Flooring… Who knew you could be so technical and frustrating. Hope you have reached an agreement now. And it all works out.

Dear Pretty Little Liars… I need rehab. You are a serious addiction. And it’s only season one… Eeeeeek!

Happy Friday everyone!


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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