27 things I’ve learned in my 27th year:
1. Every year really does get better.
2. Being pregnant is not easy for the faint hearted.
3. It is not socially acceptable in my town to be overweight.
4. There are many things in life that are out of your control.
5. My first born would be a girl.
6. MC and I have very different love languages.
7. Having a child will change your life.
8. C-section is my preferred way of giving birth.
9. Wedding invites have become baby shower invites.
10. Some friends are seasonal and some are forever.
11. You will always learn who your true friends are in times of need. Everyone is around for the good times.
12. Jealousy is rife, and it is the route of all evil. And really isn’t necessary.
13. Being a mom is the best and most rewarding feeling in the world.
14. Being pregnant gives everyone permission to touch your belly.
15. Falling pregnant will make you eligible for a new car from your husband.
16. Babies/children are expensive.
17. Studying at an older age allows you to be more focussed and determined.
18. You can achieve a cum laude post graduate degree if you aren’t naturally clever (and suffering from morning sickness!)
19. 4D scans during pregnancy are exact replica photographs of your baby.
20. Not finding out the sex of your unborn baby is the best surprise!
21. Friday, the 13th is a lucky day for us.
22. Beacon white Easter eggs are the most delicious chocolate.
23. London is a great holiday destination but not a great place to live.
24. Instagram and Twitter are the new the trends, and highly addictive.
25. Carbs and sugar do not go hand in hand with weight loss.
26. Being a teacher is hard work, a lot of preparation and not a half day job.
27. Babies can sleep through the night from 9 weeks.
Why not join in and tell me what you have learnt this past year?
So many thing's you've learned in just one year… I hope the next year is just as wonderful! 🙂
Love this, I may have to do this for my birthday next week! There are so many of yours that I was reading and nodding my head (teaching, sleeping babies, pregnancy, being a mom, etc). Great post!
i love this! totally going to do one!
Great post – I am doing one this week for sure
I loved reading your list!