Week in Pictures

08 October 2012|

1. Wish we could get married EVERY year!
2. 2nd wedding anniversary presents
3. Wedding anniversary tradition – light our wedding candle and watch our dvd
4. New wedding invites – can’t wait for this December wedding invite
5. I hate traffic!! Stupid bus stuck in the circle!
6. Pretty floral pj’s
7. New red toes for Spring
8. Moroccan Oil – does wonders for my locks
9. House progress – piling complete and ground beams to begin
10. Cuddles with precious little Jackson Jay
11. My new favorite – these kiddies are talented
12. Ladies lunch at @Liberty – yummy bacon/feta open sandwich
13. SJ’s new twin friends (all dressed and ready for the beach)
14. Tastiest pizza at Sapore (chicken, chourizo, peppers, feta and chilli)
15. Morning view in the Midlands
16. Our gorgeous little sailor girl (courtesy of Naartjie)
How was your week/weekend?


  1. Oh my goodness I am dying over that adorable sailor outfit! Could she possibly get any cuter!? So sweet 🙂

    Happy Anniversary to you and your Hubs and here's to many more amazing years to come!

    ps I'd love to guest post for you!

  2. I love that we share the same anniversary!! Twins! I hope y'all had a great 2nd anniversary! Isn't it crazy that two years have already gone by?!?!

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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