Week in Pictures

02 October 2012|

1. 6 years with this gorgeous man
2. Little SJ loving her ball skills at Moms & Miracles
3. Naartjie discount voucher – shopping for my princess
4. Our house in white cardboard
5. SJ finally got to meet her other grandpa
6. Dinner and cuddles with The Christies
7. SJ’s unhappy face (too cute!)
8. Spring sky – it’s lighter for longer 
9. My first outfit post
10. SJ has found her toes (and is now obsessed with them!)
11. Play date with cute kiddies (and cuddles with Evan)
12. Special Debs celebrated a birthday

13. Beautiful Nottingham Road
14. Delicious breakfast
15. Mouth watering 5 course dinner
16. Mom & daughter cuddles by the dam
What did you do this week?


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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