1. We have broken ground – YIPPEE YAY!!!!
2. I have never been so excited to see a bulldozer…
3. Another great week of kettle bell training
4. Hair laser removal that is pain free (I love it!!)
5. Bookclub (or wine club??) with my favorite girls
6. Many neon purchases (for me and some lucky blogger friends)
7. SJ loving her Moms & Miracles play time
8. (Much needed) Date night @ Olive & Oil
9. All SJ’s clothes that are now too small (and being put away for any future sisters!)
10. My gorgeous girl that turned 5 months this week
11. Cute pressies from Rox & Chad
12. SJ gets to meet her step-great-granny for the first time
13. My beautiful friend Janey got engaged – yippee yay!!!
14. Stocked up on new ribbons and wrapping accessories from Ebony & Ivory
15. My latest addiction – Revenge
16. Cuddles with this precious tot, Jackson
What did you do this week?
Wow is that where you live? It's beautiful!