SJ – Month 3

07 September 2012|

Month 3:

Weight: 5,56kgs
Height: 56,5cm
Clothing size: Still in 1-3 months but slowly starting to wear 3-6 month outfits.
Diaper size: Size 2’s only lasted 3 weeks and now in size 3.
Feeding: 150mls – 180mla every 2,5-3 hours. Now in a great daily routine, feeding at 7am, 10am, 12.30am, 3pm and 6pm). She is now on half breast milk and half formula.
Sleep: Still a little angel sleeper – she sleeps in between every feed during the day for about an hour. And… SHE IS NOW SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT (since 10 weeks)!!
Milestones: She lifts her head when she is in a sitting position, she squeals and coo’s, she smiles at everyone and everything and puts her hands in her month at every opportunity.
Loves: Baths with mommy and daddy, cuddles and kisses, loves to listen when people talk or engage with her. She has also found the TV and is mesmerised by the shapes, colour and movement. She also loves her swing chair (and the horrendous tune it plays!)
Dislikes: Having her hair washed or brushed, putting her arms through sleeves, being swaddled and now missing out – serious socialite on our hands.
Adventures: We went on our first overseas trip to London, UK to visit both aunties. SJ was an absolute gem on the plane there and back (she didn’t make a sound!) and she loved the cooler weather as this is where she learnt to sleep through the night…
Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: Grandparents. SJ is so lucky to be blessed with grandparents that both love and adore her (you can imagine how spoilt she is being the very first grandchild) and they love spending time with her. We are so blessed to have this amazing support structure as well as the extra help when we need some time off. SJ loves staying over at Nana’s house!
*Monthly pictures taken by the beautiful and talented, Bron Fourie from Vanilla Photography

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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