Day 16

20 September 2012|

Day 16 – A song that has made you cry: Amazing Grace 

This song gets me every time. I am actually sitting here, sobbing as I type this… This song is so powerful and the words touch my heart in every way. I think I also associate this song with sad times as it has been played at all my grandparents funerals and as soon as I hear the opening tune or lyrics – I break down and the tears fall down my cheeks (the bagpipe version was played at my grandpa’s funeral – even more emotional). I was recently at my ex-boss’s moms funeral and they play this song as they removed the coffin from the church – absolutely heart-wrenching! 

What song makes you cry?


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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