Day 06

10 September 2012|

Day 06 – A song that reminds you of a best friend: 
I’m walking on sunshine – Katrina & the Waves
This was a difficult choice as I don’t have one best friend so I am going to list the first two songs and friends that came in to my head… The first is from my bestie, Melissa. She is the sweetest and kindest girl you will ever meet. She has never said a bad word about anyone and she couldn’t hurt a fly. She is a great friend as she will always be there for you and will do anything for you. She is also always happy and always has a smile on her face. I’ve heard a lot of people describe her as a ray of sunshine. This is so fitting as her favourite colour is yellow and this was one of her favourite songs!
Cheers – Rihanna
This is the next song that reminds me of a best friend. My bestie, Rox is a strong, feisty woman but one of the ultimate friends – she is loyal, giving, kind, caring and always there for you – no matter what! This song was one of her favourites to sing and dance to on a night out. And last year, after her engagement party (and a few too many glasses of champagne), my darling friend sang this on our way home – I wish I could post that video… haha 🙂
What song reminds you of your best friend?


  1. That's a great question. There are so many songs that remind me of my BFF. We are constantly texting or calling saying what does this song remind you of. Music is great like that!
    Stopping by from GFC hop! Love for you to stop by and return the follow.Hosting Mom's Monday Mingle. You are welcome to link up 😉

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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