6 years

26 September 2012|

6 years ago, my life changed forever. 6 years ago, MC changed my life forever. How did he do it? He gently placed his lips on mine and sealed our fate with a kiss. 6 years ago, on a Tuesday evening, the 26th September 2006, MC swept me off my feet and so our ‘happily ever after’ began…

MC, I want to say thank you.

  • Thank you for replying to my first message.
  • Thank you for keeping in touch before we even confirmed a relationship.
  • Thank you for inviting me over for a 6 hour chat.
  • Thank you for coming out that night to see me (all alone!)
  • Thank you for that sweet car park kiss.
  • Thank you for asking me to be your girlfriend.
  • Thank you for promising to be mine.
  • Thank you for your loyalty.
  • Thank you for standing by me through thick and thin.
  • Thank you for all the laughs and all the tears.
  • Thank you for making this work, through 4 years of long distance.
  • Thank you for showing me the world.
  • Thank you for trusting me with all your being.
  • Thank you for being so trustworthy and never making me doubt.
  • Thank you for putting me first, always.
  • Thank you for teaching me how to cook a roast chicken.
  • Thank you for loving my spaghetti bolognaise. 
  • Thank you for all your support and advice.
  • Thank you for being proud of me.
  • Thank you for always taking care of me.
  • Thank you for believing in me.
  • Thank you for bending down on one knee and asking me to marry you.
  • Thank you for allowing me to have the wedding of my dreams.
  • Thank you for allowing me to set up our first home (and make changes!)
  • Thank you for loving me unconditionally.
  • Thank you for accepting my family.
  • Thank you for making an effort and getting on with all my friends.
  • Thank you for always including me.
  • Thank you for the endless supply of kisses and cuddles.
  • Thank you for making the big decision to start a family.
  • Thank you for putting up with me during my pregnancy.
  • Thank you for our gorgeous little girl.
  • Thank you for being such a hands on and the best dad in the world.
  • Thank you for the BEST and HAPPIEST 6 years of my life.
  • Thank you for loving me.

1. Cape Town – December 2006
2. The Digs – October 2006 (our first photo together)
3. London – July 2007
4. Cape Town – December 2009
5. Walsh Wedding – September 2010
6. New Year in Cape Town – December 2010
7. James Wedding – January 2011
8. Message Wedding – February 2012 (with baby SJ growing in my tummy)

I cannot wait for a lifetime ahead of us filled with love, laughter and many more special memories.
I love you to the moon and back MC.


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About me

I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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